



Environmental awareness, Environmental educatio, Botanical collection, Organic waste


The nature of this research was to analyze how Environmental Education is being worked on in the school context of E. E. M. Wilebaldo Aguiar and also to carry out an analysis of the use and reuse of solid waste. In addition to a bibliographical survey to provide a basis for the research, other processes also took place to carry out the study at school. The processes worked on in the months of August, September, October and November were: observations, interviews, project participation and construction of the EA experience report. We aim to understand how environmental education is inserted in the school environment. In a more specific way, we continue by analyzing the inclusion of Environmental Education in the school's Pedagogical Political Project – PPP; of students' behavior inside and outside the classroom, linked to the disposal of solid waste and, finally, the analysis of how environmental education is implemented in the daily life of the school. Therefore, with the methodological procedure carried out, the objectives achieved, we ended the research concluding that the school has been in operation for 100 years, and after this entire process we see that it is following the process of evolution over time, it is very concerned with the evolution of students, but we also see that the issue of projects aimed at environmental education have still little mobilization and students, even though they are in a modern world, with advanced technologies, few are aware of the consequences of their actions in the environment. The study carried out on Environmental Education was of great relevance, as it is a debate that becomes urgent with each passing day to read the world. The increase in consumption in urban life and the production of disposable products and packaging generates a large amount of waste whose poor disposal becomes an extreme concern. EA should not just be a discussed topic, but put into practice, it needs to change behaviors and attitudes towards the world that exists.

Biografia do Autor

Maria da Conceição de Jesus Araújo Carmo, Vale do Acaraú State University/UVA

Vale do Acaraú State University/UVA

Luiz Antônio Araújo Gonçalves , Vale do Acaraú State University/UVA

Adjunct Professor of the Postgraduate Program in Geography


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