


Inselberg, Biogeography, caatinga


The Inselbergs of Quixadá, formations carved out of granite rocks, represent crucial ecosystems due to their specific environmental conditions, including a unique microclimate that makes them rich in diversity and distinct vegetational characteristics, giving these landscapes intense exuberance. This research aims to analyze the impacts of land use and occupation on the Gruta do Magé Geosite. Specifically, it seeks to identify existing land uses and occupations and to carry out a preliminary characterization of the flora of the study area. To achieve these objectives, the walking method of Filgueiras et al. (1994) was used. The results indicate various signs of human activity, such as the presence of pastures, deforestation, solid waste on the trail and the dispersal of invasive species, resulting from practices such as agriculture, tourism and recreation. Despite these threats, the preliminary characterization of the flora reveals a remarkable wealth of vegetation on the rocky outcrop and its surroundings. The significant contribution of biogeography in inselbergs stands out, especially in the analysis and protection of biotic and abiotic elements. This approach involves understanding the interaction of these factors, the distribution of species and defining means for conserving biodiversity and geodiversity in these areas. Thus, the research not only highlights the challenges faced by the Magé Cave due to human activities, but also underscores the importance of integrated approaches to preserving these unique ecosystems.

Biografia do Autor

Caroline Vitor Loureiro, ederal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Ceará-IFCE

Prof. Dr. of the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Ceará-IFCE


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