


Agroecology, Geography, Field class, Indigenous culture, Active Methodologies


This research presents na experience report that occurred in the first semester of 2023 in the CAPES Pedagogical Residency Program – Geography subproject of the Federal University of Ceará developed at the Escola de Tempo Integral Professor Joaquim Francisco De Sousa Filho, in the final years of elementary school in the city of Fortaleza (CE) with the objective of articulating the University and basic education. Its development occurred in stages, from the theoretical framework, class planning to field visits, emphasizing the theme of Agroecology, especially the importance of medicinal plants linked to indigenous culture, a subject covered in the textbook adopted at that school. It also showed the importance of using active methodologies within the classroom to delve deeper into topics involving traditional knowledge and indigenous communities. In the process of preparing the research, two 7th year students were selected for a visit to the Pitaguary indigenous community (in Maracanaú and Pacatuba located in the Metropolitan Region of Fortaleza) with the aim of bringing them closer to other realities that could be shared with others. Students. The socialization of the visit was presented in the form of a scientific work (poster) at the school science fair, in which the importance of promoting mutual knowledge and experiences was noted and highlighting that the university’s approach to basic education has repercussions on the construction of geographic education with criticality and practicality in your daily life.

Biografia do Autor

Brena Beserra de Souza, Federal University of Ceará

Pedagogical Residency in Geography Teaching Federal University of Ceará

Marcélia Vieira Torres , State University of Ceará

PhD student in Geography, State University of Ceará

Alexandra Maria de Oliveira , Federal University of Ceará

Full Professor at the Federal University of Ceará

Christian Dennys Monteiro de Oliveira , Federal University of Ceará

Full Professor at the Federal University of Ceará


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