Socio-environmental problems, such as burnings, wildfires and hotspots represent a risk to the ecosystem because of their consequences for all forms of life in the biotic environment, and the main cause has been due anthropic action. Thus, this research aims to analyze the general issue of risk to wildfires with public basic education in the city of Campo Grande-MS, Brazil, and as specific objectives: to raise the main local public policies on fires and propose the construction of a pedagogical paradidactic resource aimed at collaborating with the thematic approach that can be used in formal and non-formal educational institutions. In this sense, this study intends to approach and discuss phenomena related to wildfires, fires and hotspots that pose a risk to the environment and human health through geographic education. The National Policy for Protection and Civil Defense points out the need to adopt measures aimed at reducing disaster risks and the Common National Curriculum in the discipline Geography in the thematic unit called nature, environment and quality of life ensures the approach thematic of fires in the teaching of this curricular component. However, it is still necessary to approach the theme in order to problematize the environmental issue, converging to changes in attitude towards the facts.
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