
  • Alice da Silva Sousa Instituto Federal de Educação/IFCE
  • André do Nascimento Lopes Instituto Federal de Educação/IFCE
  • Francisca Fabrina Alves da Rocha Instituto Federal de Educação/IFCE
  • Samara Ferreira Costa Instituto Federal de Educação/IFCE
  • Francisco José Carvalho Moreira Instituto Federal de Educação/IFCE



Morfometria, Cissus sicyoides L., insulina-vegetal, Diabetes


The present work aimed to evaluate the biometrics of fruits and seeds of vegetable insulin (Cissus sicyoides L.) as well as pulp yield and physiological quality of this species. The seeds used in this trial were collected from plants in the district of Varjota dos Machados in the municipality of Sobral-CE, in May 2023. The work was conducted at the Plant Health and Seeds Laboratory, at IFCE - Sobral campus. The biometrics of fruits and seeds were determined in a sample of 100 units, from this sample, taken at random, the following were determined for the fruits: weight (g), length (mm), diameter (mm), number of seeds per fruit (SpF) , seed weight per fruit (PsF), and chemical attributes (°Brix and pH). For the seeds, the following were evaluated: Seed weight (g), length (mm), width (mm), thickness (mm). After collecting the data, they were tabulated in the Microsoft Excel® spreadsheet, where the means, lower and upper limits, standard deviation, variance and coefficient of variation were obtained, the data were expressed in Tables and Graphs. The average weight of the fruits was 0.42 g with average dimensions of 8.91 mm in length, 7.76 mm in diameter, presenting a single SpF, average pulp yield of 331.45, °Brix of 13 and pH of 7.47. The average dimensions of the seeds were 5.07 mm in length, 3.31 mm in width and thickness, while the average for the weight of a thousand seeds was 0.02 g. It is concluded that insulin fruits and seeds present genetic variability and potential for future studies of the species. Regarding the germination of insulin seeds, a high physiological potential was observed, with a germination rate of 96%. It should be noted, however, that, as the seeds are recalcitrant, they must be allowed to germinate immediately after extracting the pulp.

Author Biography

Francisco José Carvalho Moreira , Instituto Federal de Educação/IFCE

Professor doutor do Instituto Federal de Educação/IFC|E


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