



Stored volume, reservoir, groundwater


  1. Dams play an important role in making it possible, among other functions, the storage of water for human supply and irrigation. Therefore, maintaining water quality through regular maintenance and monitoring the level of stored volume becomes essential to guarantee the population 's water security. The objective of this article is to describe the relationship between the average annual precipitation and the stored volume and quality of water in the Acaraú Mirim reservoir in the municipality of Massapê/CE. The materials and methods consisted of data collection on official websites such as FUNCEME, IPECE, IBGE, and subsequently synthesized into graphs and tables, followed by their respective analyses. The results showed that in the municipality of Massapê during the years 2012 to 2016, precipitation levels were below average, with rainfall around the average in 2017 and 2018. With the influx of rain from 2017 onwards, with an annual average above 800 mm, the behavior of the stored volume demonstrated a situation of stability and water security. However, it’s important to establish an alert on the stored volume variation and the trophic state index, as the data analyzed in 2015 and 2016 demonstrated a predominance of water in a revolting state to meet priority demands associated with stored volumes of less than 50% in nearly all months and rainfall below the historical average.

Author Biographies

Vanessa Campos Alves, Semiarid Research and Extension Network/REPES-CNPq

Researcher at the Semiarid Research and Extension Network/REPES-CNPq

Bruna Lima Carvalho, Semiarid Research and Extension Network/REPES-CNPq

Researcher at the Semiarid Research and Extension Network/REPES-CNPq.

Master in Geography

João Rodrigues de Araujo Júnior, PROGGEO/UVA

Master's student at PROGGEO/UVA

Patrícia Vasconcelos Frota , Vale do Acaraú State University (UVA)

PhD Professor at Vale do Acaraú State University (UVA)


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