


literature review, Human anatomy, mean radiante temperature


This work is a literature review on the importance of the climatic variable radiation in studies of human termal comfort, fucosing on its main measurement method: the use of globe thermometers and the formula for mean radiante temperature. Through this review, there was a recognized need for a theoretical exploration of the formula in order to provide recommendations for its usage beyond what is commonly found in the literature.

Author Biographies

Flávia Ingrid Bezerra Paiva Gomes, Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Ceará

Mestra em Desenvolvimento e Meio Ambiente. Professora do IFCE-Quixadá.

Paulo Ricardo Barboza Gomes, Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Ceará

Doutor em Engenharia de Telecomunicações. Professor do IFCE-Tauá.


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