


Relief, Sertaneja Surface, Environmental plannig, Territorial ordering


The use and occupation of space without proper management and planning leads to a series of socio-economic-environmental problems. At this juncture, landscape analysis can help identify the limitations and potential of each landscape compartment. For this, the study of the relief is essential. The objective of this work was to characterize the geomorphology of the municipality of Parelhas-RN, in the Brazilian semi-arid region. Geomorphological mapping of the study area was carried out using QGIS software. Field activities were carried out to analyze the identified relief units. In the study area, five geomorphological units were identified: a) Sertaneja Surface I; b) Countryside Surface II; c) Plains and river terraces; d) inselbergues; e) plateaus and mountains. The Countryside Surfaces are marked by the existence of stony pavements and the monotony of the relief in these units is broken by the existence of some inselbergues. The areas with plains and river terraces are not very extensive, however, they are very important for the country people. The areas of mountains and plateaus have many rocky blocks, being areas of geomorphological risk due to mass movements.

Author Biographies

Adrianny Marx Freitas, University of Rio Grande do Norte – UFRN

University of Rio Grande do Norte – UFRN

Lucas Alves de Araujo, State University of Rio Grande do Norte

State University of Rio Grande do Norte

Dênis dos Santos Hilário, State University of Rio Grande do Norte

State University of Rio Grande do Norte

Daví do Vale Lopes, State University of Rio Grande do Norte

State University of Rio Grande do Norte


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