


Geodiversity, Geoheritage, Territory of Carnaubais


The Morro de Santo Antônio State Park, located in the municipality of Campo Maior-PI/BR, presents a diverse geodiversity with a variety of geotouristic attractions, highlighting the waterfalls dueto their unique exuberance and intrinsic beauty. This study a imed to i) inventory the water falls of the Serra de Santo Antônio State Park, in the municipality of Campo Maior-PI, from a geotourism perspective; ii) analyze the main morphodynamic processes of the inventoried waterfalls and iii) list their potentials. The inventory was based on Sharples (2002) and Araújo (2021). Six waterfalls were identified: Cachoeira dos Macacos, Cachoeira Buraco do Pinga, Cachoeira Manduzinho, Cachoeira do Escorrega, Cachoeira do Funil and Cachoeira dos Pilões. The morphodynamic processes identified were chemical, physical and biological weathering, rainfall, fluvial, wind, with a predominance of watererosion, differential erosion evidenced by the different stratigraphies of the rocks, etc. As for the potential of the inventoried waterfalls, the following stand out: i) scientific/didactic, ii) cultural, iii) aestheticand, iv) touristic and v) geotouristic. The study reveals the varied potential of the waterfalls of the Serra de Santo Antônio State Park in the municipality of Campo Maior/PI and for the entire Territory of Carnaubais for the purpose of activities related to geotourism.

Author Biographies

Ana Caroline Chaves, Federal University of Piauí/UFPI

Mestre em Geografia,

Federal University of Piauí/UFPI

Cláudia Maria Sabóia de Aquino, Federal University of Piauí/UFPI

Doctor Geografia, Federal University of Piauí/UFPI


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