semiarid, environmental, degradationAbstract
This work seeks to present how environmental degradation, through agrosilvopastoral activities, contributes to the expansion of the semi-arid in the direction of desertification/ASDs areas located in the Itaúnas River Basin – Espírito Santo/ES. The spatial cut-off covers a drainage area of approximately 4,350 km², located in the north of ES. The region is marked by periodic droughts and the watershed is included in the area of the Northeast Development Superintendence (Sudene). The study is part of the context of society vs. nature relations, based on the concepts of watershed, environmental degradation and desertification. A literature review was reviewed and the production of maps occurred by GIS techniques. Technical reports made available by government agencies at the federal level such as SUDENE, ANA, IBGE, INPE, as well as topographic charts, satellite images, aerial photographs and environmental data provided by ES agencies were used as sources, combined with literature associated with the theme.
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