International Journal Semiarid
<p><strong>Scope/Escopo</strong></p> <p>The International Journal Semiarid registers technical-scientific products that approach the Semiarid region, through services and experiences carried out in the semiarid environment or activities that contribute to that environment. The information that the journal receives is attributed to Teaching, Research and Extension activities, supported with scientific rigor and serving as a source of research. We also highlight a section specific to the technical products developed in the outline of this environment.</p> <p>O International Journal Semiarid registra <strong>produtos técnicos-científicos</strong> que abordem o Semiárido, mediantes serviços e experiências realizadas no ambiente semiárido ou atividades que contribuam para o referido ambiente. As informações que o journal acolhe são atribuídas as atividades de <strong>Ensino, Pesquisa e Extensão</strong>, apoiadas com rigor científico e sirvam de amparo como fonte de pesquisa. Destacamos, ainda, uma seção especifica aos <strong>produtos técnicos</strong> desenvolvidos no esboco desse ambiente.</p> <p><strong> </strong><strong>Frequency/ Periodicidade</strong></p> <p>The International Journal Semiarid has a continuous flow</p> <p>O International Journal Semiarid tem fluxo contínuo</p> <h3>Open Access Policy/ Política de Acesso Livre</h3> <h3>The International Journal Semiarid provides immediate free access to its content, providing the information available here on the semi-arid and global knowledge environment free of charge.</h3> <p>O International Journal Semiarid disponibiliza acesso livre imediato ao seu conteúdo, proporcionando gratuitamente as informações aqui disponibilizadas sobre o ambiente semiárido a mundial do conhecimento.</p> <p><strong>Support Sources/</strong><strong> Fontes de Apoio</strong></p> <p><strong>Non-profit and stimulated by the volunteer service of researchers</strong></p> <p><strong>Sem fins lucrativos e estimulada pelo serviço voluntário de pesquisadores</strong></p>Journal Semiariden-USInternational Journal Semiarid2764-6203USE AND OCCUPATION OF THE NHARTANDA VALLEY RESPIRATOR AND WETLANDS ON THE ZAMBEZI RIVER IN THE MUNICIPALITY OF TETE: COMMUNITY PERCEPTION, AND SOCIO-ENVIRONMENTAL RISKS
<p>The present article aims to delve into the use and occupation of the Nhartanda Valley breathing space and the wetlands along the Zambezi River in the Municipality of Tete, seeking to understand the community's perception of the socio-environmental risks associated with the use and occupation of this area. This area is considered a partial protection zone as it serves as a breathing space for the Zambezi River, where waters tend to flow during peak levels. It also constitutes the aquifer used to supply water to the population within the Municipality of Tete, with ongoing projects to expand water supply using this aquifer to the city of Moatize. Currently, the population of neighborhoods surrounding the Nhartanda Valley is extending their occupations for various purposes, including the continued practice of open defecation in the area. Despite this scenario, the municipality granted one of the region's major wetlands to a businessman for construction purposes in the Nhartanda Valley area, near the STEIA intersection. This decision could have serious environmental implications, in addition to increasing socio-environmental risks for the local population. From a methodological perspective, the study employed a mixed-methods approach, exploratory in nature with an explanatory focus. Geographic Information Systems (GIS) cartographic methods were primarily applied. Data collection involved semi-structured interviews, direct and indirect observation (based on satellite imagery for environmental analyses), and document analysis. The results concluded that the Nhartanda Valley is exposed to various flood risks, which could result in the loss of human lives and material damage. This vulnerability is exacerbated by a lack of awareness from both the municipality and the population. The municipality has allowed occupations in the area, often driven by political interests aimed at gaining electoral support, and has approved projects reflecting private or familial interests. On the other hand, the population, ignoring socio-environmental risks, has occupied the area for housing construction, the production of fired bricks, and open defecation practices, thereby endangering the aquifer, which is essential for water supply<strong>.</strong></p>Mateus José AndirJorge Eusébio Chagaca GulambondoDomingos Andrigo
Copyright (c) 2025 International Journal Semiarid
<p>Fires are one of the world's major environmental problems, as they are responsible for causing immense damage to natural ecosystems and agro-ecosystems due to the pressure these areas are under as a result of the need for new areas for anthropogenic activities, such as livestock farming, sport and subsistence hunting, logging for charcoal production, fishing, among other activities that cause huge losses of biodiversity. Fires represent a significant threat to sensitive ecosystems, especially in protected areas such as Mágoè National Park, located in Tete province, Mozambique. This study uses advanced geotechnologies, including remote sensing and Geographic Information Systems (GIS), to identify, map and understand the factors that contribute to the risk of fires in the region. This research aimed to analyse the areas at risk of fires in Mágoè National Park and specifically to develop a model using the combined effect of different factors such as fuel, topography, proximity to access roads, climate, elephant density, giving weight to each parameter as well as its contribution or importance in the process of igniting fires, and mapping the spatial variability of the risk of fires in Mágoè National Park. The methodology was based on analysing satellite images (Landsat 8 and Sentinel-2), environmental indices such as NDVI and FWI, as well as climatic data and historical fire outbreaks. The results showed that the areas most susceptible to fires are associated with miombo vegetation and the proximity of human communities, where anthropogenic interaction is intense. This work reinforces the importance of geotechnologies as strategic tools in planning forest fire management and prevention measures, contributing to environmental preservation and mitigating the impacts of fires in Mágoè National Park.</p>Jorge Eusébio Chagaca Gulambondo
Copyright (c) 2025 International Journal Semiarid
2024-02-012024-02-018212110.56346/ijsa.v8i2.315EVALUATION OF VODKA PRODUCED FROM THE FERMENTATION OF A MIXTURE OF BANANA PULP (Musa spp) WITH INHAME (Colocasia esculenta).
<p>The main objective of this study was to evaluate the production of vodka from the fermentation of a mixture of banana pulp (Musa spp) and yam (Colocasia esculenta). A completely causalized design was used with four treatments and three replications in each treatment. The formulations were developed as follows: (T1- 20% banana pulp broth and 70% yam broth, T2- 30% banana pulp broth and 60% yam broth, T3- 40% banana pulp broth and 50% yam broth, T4- 50% banana pulp broth and 40% yam broth). In all treatments, 10% sugar was added. During the fermentations, samples were taken aseptically at intervals of 0, 24, 48, 72, 96 and 120 hours for analysis of Hydrogen Potential (pH), Total Titratable Acidity (ATT), Total Soluble Solids (TSS), Fixed Acidity (Ac. F), Volatile Acidity (Ac. V), Anhydrous Alcohol (Ac. A) and alcoholic strength. The data obtained was subjected to statistical analysis (ANOVA and Tukey's test). The elaborated drink (vodka) had a content ranging from 33 to 44 % (v/v at 20 °C), pH ranged from 4.09 to 4.24, total soluble solids from 13.32 to 6.47 °Brix, titratable acidity from 6.72 to 11.26 mg/100mL, Volatile Acidity ranged from 1.60 to 6.44 mg/100mL, Anhydrous Alcohol from 8.87 to 13.64 mg/100mL. All the treatments showed satisfactory results in terms of aroma, flavor and overall impression, except for the treatment with the highest concentration of yam and the lowest concentration of banana pulp (T1), which did not show satisfactory results in terms of alcohol content. Thus, it can be concluded that the raw material used in production is viable for obtaining vodka.<strong><br><br></strong></p>Matias Alberto Sozinho QuiraqueMoises Tomás Ngome Tomás NgomeJaime Elias Jaime Jemusse
Copyright (c) 2025 International Journal Semiarid
<p>The aim of this study was to develop a vegan burger made from cassava with reduced sodium content and added potassium chloride. Four formulations were produced containing 100% NaCl; 25% KCl + 75% NaCl; 50% KCl + 50% NaCl; 75% KCl + 25% NaCl. A Completely Causalized Design (CID) was used with 3 replications, giving a total of 12 formulations. The formulations were evaluated for physical and chemical parameters such as pH, titratable acidity, color, moisture, ash, protein, fat and carbohydrates. The pH ranged from 5.54 to 6.71. The acidity ranged from 0.63 to 1.2. As for color, it was observed that the L* values ranged from 21.21 to 18.98; a* ranged from 0.3833 to 0.3767; b* ranged from 0.3600 to 0.3800. Moisture ranged from 53.96 to 52.42; Ash ranged from 53.60 to 50.71; Protein was 12.33g; Fat ranged from 37.60g to 31.2g; Carbohydrates ranged from 57.49 to 48.1; A sensory analysis was carried out using a hedonic scale with untrained tasters. The centesimal composition indicated that the moisture, protein and ash contents increased with the increase in KCl. As for the fat content, the formulation with 25% KCl + 75% NaCl showed the highest fat content when compared to the other hamburger results. The T2 formulation showed satisfactory results for the appearance, taste, texture, aroma and purchase intention parameters. Increasing the KCl content to 75% caused a change in flavor, i.e. a bitter taste in the burger. It can be concluded that the use of KCl up to 25% is an alternative and viable ingredient in the development of cassava burgers when incorporated into the formulation as a partial substitute for NaCl.</p>Jaime Elias Jaime JemusseMoises Tomás NgomeMatias Alberto Sozinho Quiraque
Copyright (c) 2025 International Journal Semiarid